Quick Start Clover
Establishing a new clover plot can take time. This blend of Reds and Whites is designed to help speed up the process. Fast growing red clover will germinate quickly allowing the whites to fill in while keeping the weeds in check. Create a long lasting plot or use as a plow down for your fall plots. Get a jump start with Quick Start Clover.
(Alsike Clover, Ladino Clover, Medium Red Clover)
Planing Dates: Planting Spring in the North to Fall in the South
Planting Rates: 3.5 lbs = 1/2 acre
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Establishing a new clover plot can take time. This blend of Reds and Whites is designed to help speed up the process. Fast growing red clover will germinate quickly allowing the whites to fill in while keeping the weeds in check. Create a long lasting plot or use as a plow down for your fall plots. Get a jump start with Quick Start Clover.
(Alsike Clover, Ladino Clover, Medium Red Clover)
Planing Dates: Planting Spring in the North to Fall in the South
Planting Rates: 3.5 lbs = 1/2 acre
Planting Depth: 1/4”
Establishing a new clover plot can take time. This blend of Reds and Whites is designed to help speed up the process. Fast growing red clover will germinate quickly allowing the whites to fill in while keeping the weeds in check. Create a long lasting plot or use as a plow down for your fall plots. Get a jump start with Quick Start Clover.
(Alsike Clover, Ladino Clover, Medium Red Clover)
Planing Dates: Planting Spring in the North to Fall in the South
Planting Rates: 3.5 lbs = 1/2 acre
Planting Depth: 1/4”